torstai 25. syyskuuta 2014

Mikä tää on tää mesta ees, ja miks mä seison tän mestan ees?

Heissuliveiii! :)

Nämä lomat koulusta on tulleet kyllä niin oikeaan paikkaan, ettei kyllä paremmin olisi voinut osua. Pitkän jakson jälkeen on ollut tosi vapauttavaa vaan löhötä eikä tehdä mitään sen kummempia. Kirjoittelen tätä postausta Spektin siivittämänä, ja täytyy todeta, että tämä Diktaattorimies -niminen albumi on tosi mainio. Spektin riimittely on tosi ainutlaatuista, ja monet kerrat olen nauranut niille. No mutta siis, tämä nyt on taas tällaista tyhjänpäiväistä selostusta, kun ei ole mitään muutakaan kerrottavaa :D Taidan tehdä tästä taas yhden musiikkiaiheisen postauksen, linkitän biisejä ja sanoituksia niistä sitten. Ei tässä nyt ole varmaan mitään järkeä, mutta lukee ja kuuntelee kuka haluaa :D

G'dayyy mates! :)

I gotta say that these holidays came just in the right time. Term 3 was so busy and quite a long too that it feels so amazing just chill out and do nothing much. I'm listening to Spekti, a Finnish rap artist, and writing this post. Spekti is pretty amazing rapper - his lyrics are so unique and many times I've been laughing to them. His album, Diktaattorimies, is so good that I could listen to that all day everyday. Oh well I'm explaining again things that are not significant with this post anyway :D I just link some of my favourite songs and good lyrics from them. Well, damn it, this post has no sense at all but yeah, try to cope with it now :D

Hulluuteen meen
Kenen kans mä täällä oon ja mitä tääl teen?
Tai mikä tää on tää mesta ees, ja miks mä seison tän mestan ees?

Kaikki palikat kumoon - niinku Dominos
Kiesi on niin iso et sä puhut siitä monikos
Tiedätsä miltä tuntuu kontti avaa, ja selittää vaimolle, et tän takii syödään kuulkaas tonnikalaa?
Näil bassoil pystyis varmaan vuorii siirtää, amerikankotka liitää

Jengi puristelee persettä ja palleja baarissa
Ne käy suoraan kii, varottamatta, ilman kohteliaisuuksii
Anna mä hion mun statusta rauhassa, sun on parempi pysyä kaukana
Sanoin etten oo juustoraastin, ja sun hanuri ei oo edamii
Älä fiilaa ja höylää, mut se seuras ja tuli piinaa pöytään
Mä sanoin "ei on ei", mut se puhu ruotsii, ja mä sanoin "nej menar nej"
Sit se kysy et oonks mä gay? Sanoin et mieluummin sitä, kun sun kaa, hej på dig

Mä en tunne ketään, mut mut tuntee kaikki
Eikä vakituista duunia - JÄNNÄ - sain silti YO-kirjotuksista ämmän
Ja nalkutukseen vastaan "OK", koska baareissa on lihatiskit kuin HK

Sä vain teet minkä kerkeet
Otat vastaan kaikki ne haasteet
Joka suuntaan aina sä halkeet
Hyvä jos syömään kerkeet
Sä vain teet, sul on otteet ripeet
Sä teet, sul on kädet kipeet
Sä teet, sul on otteet ripeet
Sä lisäät liitteet ja vaihdat musteet

 Herään rannalta, on yö kirkkaampi päivää, valopisteet taivaalla liukuvat aamuun
Olen unohtanut mistä tähän kuljin, verhoudun unohduksen kaapuun
Vaan muistan ilmalaivueita taivaanrantaan lentäneitä
Ja ulkona kesäyö, satoi kasvoille kyyneleitä
Istun hämärässä, odotan vieläkin hetkeä joka ei lopu koskaan
Saapuisi hiljaisuus, kertoisi minulle kuinka kaikki lopulta katoaa
Näen valot taivaalla, ja juoksee selässä kylmiä väreitä

Kiitos ja anteeksi, että tämä on tällainen vähän tylsempi postaus tällä kertaa :D Mä olen vain onnellisesti lomalla, ja mitään kummoisempia ei siis tapahdu. Nautin vain tästä rauhallisesta ajasta, mikä ei kestä ikuisesti. Mukavaa viikonloppua kaikille, nauttikaa Suomen syksystä, se on kaunista vaikkakin kylmää välillä xx
Thanks and sorry that this post was so meaningless, it's just because I'm enjoying my holidays and chilling out and I have nothing to tell you. I'm relaxing as much as I can because I know it won't last forever when the schools start again. Anyway have a great weekend sweeties xx

~ Viivi

keskiviikko 24. syyskuuta 2014

Bondi Beach

Hey guys! :)

I have so much things to write so this time I'm exceptionally writing only in English. I know you guys (my Finnish readers) can understand my English so don't get upset, thanks xx

Lots of things have happened after I wrote last time. On Friday 5th we had Walkathon at school, and we walked a looong way to raise money to the school in Africa, that McCarthy Catholic College has built with the money they have raised earlier. Now we were raising money for the furniture that we are going to buy there. We are really big school so we did pretty well.


Claudia and me after the big walk :)
So, the following Monday I really did get a haircut and I got back to greyish blonde haircolour. I'm really happy with this and I finally got my fringe back, I missed it quite a lot. My face look better with it. I was hairmodelling so I didn't have to pay anything (lucky me this time!)

This hair thing happened on Monday 8th. I can't remember what else happened that week? Oh yeah, we started our exam week on Wednesday 10th and I had one exam then. After that I had the rest of the week off from school, yaayy :D

The following week on Thursday 18th we had Catholic Schools Celebrate, which means that all the catholic
schools in this specific area come together and sing and dance and perform. I think we had schools from Tamworth, Armidale and Gunnedah (if I remember right, someone correct me if not right?) I was basically playing violin and I was supposed to be in the TRECC (the place where we performed) at 6 but because I messed up with the schedule, I was late and I missed the first part I was supposed to be playing with the concert band. That wasn't actually part of the "real" performance but still I felt a bit bad because I was practising A LOT for that and then I messed up... shit happens mate, get over it... We had a war tribute thing for ANZAC soldiers and we played for example It's a long way to Tipperary and Travelin' Soldier. I really enjoyed CCS, because there were over 500 students and they sold over 1200 tickets for that. I probably don't have any photos from there (too bad Viivi!!!) so I'm sorry about that. Altogether it was an amazing experience, and I'm really really proud that I took part! Thanks to everyone who made that evening so great! <3

My hair has fifty shades of grey ;) :D

So after all the exams and CSS we left Tamworth on Saturday 20th and we were off to Bondi Junction. Our flat where we were staying was literally next to Bondi Beach. Me and Claudia caugh the train down to Sydney and hostmum, hostdad and Sam (host brother) took a plane. We arrived there in the arvo and I fell in love with the place. I've never been so excited and happy at the same time. I finally had the chance to go there, after the long time I was dreaming about it <3 So the Saturday evening was really exciting when we decided to go and have a look what Bondi's night life has to offer, hahaha... :D In a nutshell, I told someone that I'm a Russian spy, where I got an answer that I can't be because I'm so short, I danced so much, took selfies with people I just met... Haha omg yeah, I sure had a great time!! :D <3

Epic selfie @Bondi Beach
The first evening, view to Bondi Beach
First time at Starbucks :)
Sex on the beach 8D
Bondi beach <3
Bondi in the early morning, around 5.45am :)
Tamarama beach :)

On Monday we went to Darling Harbour in Sydney and visited the aquarium. Darling is really the place to be in Sydney, it's so beautiful and really peaceful, considering that it's located quite in the centre of the city. And the aquarium, I really liked it but I don't have any good photos from there, because everytime I tried to take a photo, the camera got a reflection from the glass, so... :D I'm not actually really good photographer, but if you're interested in the aquarium, you can go and check out some information from HERE :)

On Tuesday we came back to Tamworth. Obviously it felt so sad to leave Bondi, because now I have no idea when I'll be back. Next year, in two years? I've made some big plans, but I reckon I need to go home first and talk to my parents about them. It feels everyday more and more that I'm not gonna stay in Finland. I've found the place where I belong to - either Bondi or Darling Harbour. Who knows what future brings, but I'm gonna miss Sydney so much.

Rest of the holidays I'm probably just gonna hang around with my friends and do nothing much. I need to take some time off from all the school stress and enjoy the rest of time in Australia. Thinking about leaving in December 19th brings tears into my eyes. After I moved to this family three months ago I've had the time of my life. This family have done so much for me and being a "rescue exchange student" (as I describe myself haha :D) is really better than if I stayed in the previous family. I've tried to give my best to them and teach them something about my culture too. My life has been perfect here <3

At the end I'm gonna put some songs that are connected to these weeks in somehow. Thanks for everyone who has taken part to these amazing events and I hope that my Aussie mates enjoy their holidays and that my Finnish people don't get too cold (too bad you have snow already!!!) because I'm enjoying my sunny +23 days so much <3

I love you guys xx <3

Ps. I haven't read through this post because it's soooooo long, so if there is some silly mistakes, please don't pay any bigger attention, thanks ;)

~ Viivi (the Russian spy) xxx

lauantai 13. syyskuuta 2014

Busy but still alive

Heippa! :)

Mulla on yearly exams menossa nyt, mitkä on siis suhteellisen isot kokeet year 11 opiskelijoille aina tähän aikaan vuodesta. Kiirettä on siis pitänyt niiden kanssa, enkä ole siis ehtinyt kirjoittelemaan :) Kirjoitan enemmän ensi viikon jälkeen, mutta nyt on paljon tapahtunut kaikki asioita, ja kerron niistä sitten vähän myöhemmin, jos tämä hyvä onni vielä pysyy ;) Yhden vinkin annan, ja se on tuo kuva tuossa alapuolella ;) Ootte rakkaita xx

Heyyy! :)

I'm doing my yearly exams now so I'm really really busy, so I'm gonna post more after next week. I should be studying more but the weather is so amazing that I just prefer to stay outside and do nothing hahahaha I'm so slack. Anyway lovelies, lots of things have happened and I'm gonna tell you more about then later :) I give you one hint what has been going on, and it's the photo below this ;) Love you all xx

~ Viivi

keskiviikko 3. syyskuuta 2014

In vino veritas


Kuten tarkkaavaisimmat teistä on saattaneet somesta bongata, että mä oon taas kipeenä. Mulla ottaa pattiin niin paljon, ettette uskokaan. En tiedä miten tästä flunssasta/viruksesta/olkootpanytmikähyvänsähelkkari pääsisi eroon. Syön antibioottikuuria toistamiseen. Ketuttaa. Väsyttää. Mitähän muuta? Koeviikko alkaa ensi keskiviikkona. En oo lukenut. Julmettu että ahdistaa. Liikaa asioita meneillään. ARGH!!!!!!!!!


As you may have noticed from social media, I'm sick AGAIN. I'M SO TIRED, ANNOYED, SAD, SICK OF BEING SICK. I've no idea how I can get rid of this. I'm taking my antibiotics again. Exams start next week, I haven't practised, I'm scared, tired, stressed and exhausted. I wish I didn't have to do them at all. I just want to wake up in my own bed in Finland. I get these feelings when I'm sick. I feel so hopeless. Too many things going on right now. I just want to be healthy again :(

Oikeastaan ainoa asia, mitä haluaisin tehdä nyt, on viinin nautiskeleminen kynttilänvalossa. Ihan yksin ja ihan rauhassa. Voisin litkiä viiniä aamusta iltaan, mutta se nyt ei sattuneesta syystä ole mahdollista. Mä vaan haluaisin paeta todellisuutta 24 tunniksi. Ihan vaan olla olematta. Mikähän kriisi tämäkin nyt on olevanaan? Mullahan on kaikki ihan hyvin täällä. Tämä sairaana oleminen vaan verottaa mun oloa niin paljon.

All I want to do right now is drink wine in a dark room - possibly with a candle light but anyway. Just some time for myself. I'd love to take off 24 hours just for me and drink wine. But guess what? It's not possible, well surprise. I have no idea what kinda crisis I'm going through? Maybe it's because I'm sick and it makes me really tired. I've been sleeping so badly for few nights. I've had nightmares and stuff. I'm so tired...
Jumalauta, ei helvetti!!! -.-''
Tuossapa yhteensummattuna mun fiiliksiä. Nyt on vähän negatiivinen päivitys, joten taidanpa vaan mennä pois. Onhan mulla sentään läjäpäin kotitehtäviä tekemättä (duh). Toivon mukaan parannun viikonlopuksi, kun on vähän suunnitelmia meneillään. No mutta niistä sitten lähempänä jos kun parannun. Mukavaa pikkulauantaita kaikille, kaikesta huolimatta :)

That picture summaries my bad feelings. It's basicly just a really upset mouse, so don't worry if you don't understand it. This post is suddenly really negative, so I just decided to go away now for a while. I have heaps homework to do and it doesn't make me happy (well DUH!) I have some plans for weekend if I get better. I really hope I will be better then. But yeah I'll talk you guys about it later. Now I'm gonna put here some photos that makes me really happy now :)

In vino veritas, amigos! ;)

~ Viivi